Genre:Research of Music Magazines

COVER LINES- The headlines are clearly showing the primary audience are teens as 15 and pregnant wouldn’t attract the attention of older men and women

CENTRAL IMAGE- The girl in this picture is a model and younger generations will look up to her and try be more like her as that increases nowadays ‘popularity’

MASTHEAD- This shows a young woman who's aspects is to achieve and is sweet and attractive to get peoples attention and draw them in

The codes and conventions of this particular magazine is that it sets the scene so, the young woman is put in front of a sunny warm setting in which shows the advantages of wanting to achieve and aspire to your targets. It also connotes that her college life in particular is successful so she is happy and shown as a prime example of how the college life can make you a better person. Finally the young girl denotes what you should be like when you finish college either aspiration wise or physically.



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