Evaluation of my final product

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?    
My media music magazine follows many of the forms and conventions which comes with it. I generated the idea for my music magazine through a number of research formats for example, a online magazine or a hard copy. The example magazine was of Q magazine with Coldplay being the main feature. I followed the existing conventions such as my banner which was across the top of the magazine itself.  A convention of my music magazine which I developed was sub-headings which I placed on the other side of the magazine to create a certain effect. Another point is that, I placed my headline in the far right corner as I wanted to show of how an image can tell the story rather than the headline itself. Finally, my central image portrayed a young inspiring teenager who wanted to succeed and the neutral blue represents male dominance.

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My magazine represents specific genders such as males between 16-17 who follow a similar interest into media and the design mechanism behind it. My genre of indie itself can also attract many other races or other genders, as it is a more modern day type of music and the male models can appear to males as an inspirational figure whereas females will look at the magazine as it may attract them. The model himself is trying to perceive a cool and stylish look to create a representation in which males will aspire to be like. The nationality of the model is an English teenager who you would figure he is looking rather intelligent and aspirational for his grades but his music talent is far superior and can represent his occupation of a student following his heart instead of his studies.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtgfxltQX0A&feature=youtu.be

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The media institutions which may distribute my media product would be through use of apple apps and social media on my phone for example Instagram and twitter which would get me a following or acknowledgement of many other media formats such as websites or online articles. This is because I can gain a vast amount of followers in a quick time which I can build up over time and my product can be easily recognised. Instagram allows you to follow your favourite sites and over time expand through use of mentions from followers to which will allow people all round the world to see rather than a nation and you are able to like products which the audience will want to consume. Twitter is also a similar format of followers but doesn't focus on pictures but a much more information based site where I can give customers an insight into my institution
4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
My audience for my magazine was focused upon both genders as indie is a mixture of musical rhythm and cultures. It is of both genders because women who made music records, were frowned upon but until Indie rock appeared, this allowed cheap labelled records which would develop into something much greater. The age range for the audience would be from 18-50. This is due to the numerous styles within the genre. The media text which the audience consume gives the impression of do-it-yourself bands who produce low labelled records in which is diverted between alternative rock, punk, country and psychedelia. This fulfils the gratification theory of women aspiring and being able to achieve being powerful, rich and famous.

5.How did you attract your audience?
I attracted my audience through several products of my music magazine. Firstly, My brand name of the magazine is 'CIA' which stands for classical indie music and this name attracted my audience as it was a short and easy name which people can easily remember on the shelf. Next, my central image attracted my audience as the model's representation  was an idea retracted from the hypodermic needle theory where they consume it like a drug and the effect of brainwashing someone. This method also brainwashes the audience to wanting to read more. After that, my  layout conforms with that of ''Q" magazine in which the image builds the story and the sub-headings flow down the side with popular named bands who will attract to a particular musician. Another feature which attracted my audience was the colour. The blue is a neutral colour but is mainly associated with boys which symbolises a male magazine and denotes a young male student. Finally, my models pose represents male power as he's standing broad and with his hood up which he is being strong.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Through the use of exploring different formats and technologies, I have learnt how to make the product to the best of its standards and through the variety what was the best to use and why. One format was Photoshop, which would enhance an images appearance and an example would be the spot healing tool which clears any blemishes upon a persons face. Next, PowerPoint is a slide show presentation which helped record information within a numerous amount of slides e.g. screenshot work from other technologies and insert the image to annotate around. Another technology device I used to construct my product is Microsoft  Excel which allows you to insert numerical figures into charts and graphs which looks much more professional and organised, which you would have a question based off information from my questionnaire. After that, Google is a online-based search engine which allows you to search and track almost everything to do with the media business which helped me to discover what magazine products distributed a similar product e.g. Q magazines take on indie and what layouts and colours represents the genre. Then, another technology device would be Adobe InDesign which is recognised for mainly, posters, flyers and articles. This helped produce my double page spread within my magazine and present in a similar way to many articles within magazines e.g. The Rolling Stone. Finally, the last format I used within my magazine would be camera in which I was able to take numerous shots from numerous angles to create mood and atmosphere within an article e.g. shades of lighting and dress wear on the model.*

7. Looking back at your preliminary task. What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Throughout my process from the preliminary task to the final product, I have developed a number of different skills and have full knowledge of different formats which linked to my final product. First, I was totally new to the conventions which a magazine must follow but have followed these conventions into designing my own product. Things such as mastheads and sub-headings within my product are used to grab an audience's attention or give an insight into what famous stars live like. Another feature within the prelim task is the central image, famous celebrities are the usual focus point within a magazine but are portraying a different character to themselves such as males being dominant and strong whereas females are sort of weak and pretty. My magazine however, showed of a young teenager who was aspirational and hopeful into success which shows of young character features. The layout within my magazine didn't show of the Q magazine or college mag but my own unique design with a bubble effect and a neutral blue to show masculinity and also a relaxed sort of approach.


  1. only 4 questions answered so far..... This is too brief, we looked at points to cover for each question last lesson- you need to ensure that you are covering these points ready to start some animaton etc this week,
    what values do the producer have that echo your own?
    what did you learn? have skills improved?
    In what ways is your final magazine better in terms of code and conventions than the prelim task on college magazine?
    break down the TA more and look at tribes.
    bring in some theorists to explain how the text meet gratifications and needs of the TA
    Make sure that you look at representation including signs and signifiers for age, race, sex and nationality. talk specifically about the images you have used and how those characters are representative of a social group.


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